How I Started: Creating TCIM with Adama Saccoh
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Some of the readers, may not know you. Please share a bit about your background, your academic background, your previous academic and work experience, any career highlights or awards so far, or anything else you want to share about yourself.
I am currently a PhD student studying the relationship between the brain and the heart. Specifically trying to understand the relationship between shared risk factors of heart disease and cognitive impairment to gain a better understanding of possible physiological mechanisms using large sample size population data. My draw to biology and life science stemmed from my curiosity and quite frankly my love for the heart that has guided my career journey to date. After my BSc in medical physiology, I wanted clinical experience in cardiovascular science and then went on to a Msc in medical ultrasound (Echocardiography), particularly scanning the heart and diagnosing heart disease. Doing a Masters during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic led me to pivot slightly and work in a pre-clinical imaging lab working on regenerative therapies for the heart. My current PhD is a combination of all the things I’ve been interested in through my science journey with an additional surprise of the brain.
Could you share more about The Catalyst in Me (TCIM), what you do, and why/how you started it?
TCIM is a life science careers blog I have ran for almost 6 years now. It’s initial aim was to provide guidance for myself on career pathways in the life science field, which I just so happened to share. To date it hosts 80+ career profiles and general academic and career resources for anyone that needs it. It’s also an avenue through which I communicate science. The overall aim of TCIM is to make career information accessible to all and in the future continue to communicate science to the general public more regularly.
A key thing I need to go back to is sharing content in its ‘imperfect’ form because that is exactly how I started.
How do you balance your academic work with creating blog posts and creating content?
Currently, it has been quite difficult getting the balance right as I feel TCIM has grown and my ideas are constantly growing into things that need more time and effort. I am also just getting into the swing of my PhD and trying to balance my screen time. So hopefully I do get better with the balance. When things were more balanced I had set times to do TCIM work and would use quiet work days to also complete content I wanted. A key thing I need to go back to is sharing content in its ‘imperfect’ form because that is exactly how I started.
TCIM now has a calendar, what inspired you to add this?
It was simply done as I had a lot of events going on in March and thought it would be cool to share. I’m hoping to curate events a bit better for the next academic year and it becomes a reliable tool where people come to find great career and science communication events.
Just start - having a plan is great but just putting content out there is the best way to feel what you like creating.
What can people expect for the future of TCIM?
I always say the future of TCIM is bigger than my current thoughts and ideas. I am very hopeful for the future as I am constantly inspired by people around me and as my career journey changes I hope to continue as I started and share my current thoughts. I want TCIM to be one of the best career resources out there and a space for people to find curated science information.
What advice would you have for someone who wants to start a blog and create digital content?
Just start - having a plan is great but just putting content out there is the best way to feel what you like creating. Using resources such as canva and also reach out to people if you need help!
Photo of Adama Saccoh, founder of TCIM
Where can people stay connected with you (as an individual) and TCIM?
You can follow TCIM on LinkedIn, Twitter @catalystinme, and Instagram @thecatalystinme.
Connect with Adama Saccoh on LinkedIn.